Friday 20 January 2012

Making A Food Bucket List

Growing up, I can't really say I was exposed to a whole lot of different foods. I think the most diverse food I ever ate growing up was Chinese food, and even then it was the same five items that were ordered. I think I was probably in my early twenties before I tried sushi. As I have matured, and grown more confident in my cooking skills, all the foods that used to be outside of my comfort zone are starting to intrigue me. I think it all started about a year ago...I have never liked mushrooms, or so I thought. The only mushrooms I had ever had were most likely from a can. I tried one sauteed in butter and seasonings and wow, yum. Who would have thought? It made me question everything I thought I didn't like, and everything that I didn't even want to try. That's how the idea of my food bucket list came about, a list of all the foods out of my comfort zone, uncommon, or maybe just something I want to try!

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